

Welcome to the world of universal trade fair solutions

Do you want to give your trade fair installation a solid and reliable frame? A frame that will easily bear the weight of your promotional equipment? If your answer is yes, then the Octauniversal system is the right solution for you. With the Octauniversal System, you can erect a freestanding wall at the edge of your exhibition space that boldly climbs to a maximum height of six metres with a depth of just 26cm to make the most of the given space. You can also safely hang your advertising boards on the system so that they can be seen from a distance.


Innovative and practical design.

As the name suggests, Octauniversal is a universal system and can be the basis of any project. Quality, durability, stability and safety are the virtues that characterise all trade fair installations erected with the Octauniversal system.

The versatility of the Octauniversal system makes it suitable for both interior decoration and trade fair advertising. The Octauniversal collection, made up of flexible and robust aluminium parts, will bring your imagination to life when setting up. The poles and beams connected to the new lock and stable leg will allow you to install frames up to a height of 6000 mm. From this height, your advertising signs will be visible from afar.


Freestanding walls with a system




Lightweight and portable construction


Aesthetic refinement


Long service life


Easy installation


Modular system

Octauniversal 6m stena


Warranty and certificates

Warranty and certificates

Octanorm guarantees quality with a 5-year warranty on all Octa aluminum profiles and a 2-year warranty on LED lights. The very quality and safety of the Octauniversal fair system is also evident from the fire-proof certificate DIN 4102, Part 4, 2.21 g., given to all aluminum parts and DIN 4102 Part 4 Class B2, valid for all Octa panels.

stena bold c
Zidne konstrukcije
Modularni sustavi za inovativna rješenja
led bold
LED konstrukcije
Svjetlo, oblik, učinkovitost – LED konstrukcije koje impresioniraju
strop bold
Stropne konstrukcije
Podigni svoju viziju do neba
tla bold b
Zadržite eleganciju pod nogama
nadstropje bold
Katne konstrukcije
Uzdignite se u drugu dimenziju
sank bold b
Pultevi i šankovi
Impresionirajte svoje kupce pouzdanim temeljem
profili bold b
Beskrajna mogućnost kreativne kreativnosti
led bold
Zasjajte u svjetlu tisuće svjetala
promo bold
Promotivni proizvodi
Ostvarite nove pobjede s inovativnim idejama
napajalnik bold
Napajanja i konektori
Osigurajte neospornu povezanost
potros bold
Potrošni material
Kvaliteta koju ne možete propustiti
sobe bold
Čiste sobe
Ostanite sigurni od klica i prljavštine

Octanorm Adria d.o.o.

Gerbičeva ulica 110, 1000 Ljubljana
Zanima me
Poklicali vas bomo v najkrajšem možnem času.

Octanorm Adria d.o.o.

Imate vprašanje glede naše ponudbe?
Pokličite nas na 041 000 000, ali pa stopite v kontakt z nami preko spodnjega kontaktnega obrazca.
Zanima me
Poklicali vas bomo v najkrajšem možnem času.
stena bold c
Stenske konstrukcije
Modularni sistemi za inovativne rešitve
led bold
LED konstrukcije
Svetloba, oblika, učinkovitost – LED konstrukcije, ki navdušijo
strop bold
Stropne konstrukcije
Dvignite vašo vizijo v nebo
tla bold b
Ohranite eleganco pod vašimi nogami
nadstropje bold
Povzpnite se v drugo dimenzijo
sank bold b
Pulti in šanki
Navdušite svoje stranke z zanesljivo osnovo.
profili bold b
Neskončna možnost kreativne ustvarjalnosti
led bold
Zažarite v soju tisočerih lučk
promo bold
Promocijski izdelki
Dosezite nove zmage z inovativnimi idejami
napajalnik bold
Napajalniki & konektorji
Zagotovite nesporno povezljivost
potros bold
Potrošni material
Kvaliteta, ki je ne morete pogrešiti
sobe bold
Čiste sobe
Ostanite varni pred mikrobi in umazanijo