Octawall 40


Elegant Structure for a Premium Exhibition Presentation

Octawall 40 wall system is a unique innovation suitable for various business ventures. Octawall walls, with 40mm or 60mm deep aluminum profiles, can be used as freestanding promotional walls at business events or as partitions in offices and rooms. The Octawall wall system is extremely flexible and stable. Thanks to its sturdy structure, your promotional banners will stand tall and confident amidst the crowd of people.


Unmatched Versatility - Octawall 40

The Octawall 40 wall system is extremely flexible due to its stable aluminum frames in various dimensions. The standard height of Octawall 40 frames is 2480 mm, while the frames vary in width. The pre-defined size of the frames provides an exceptional foundation for building different projects. Your exhibition setups and promotional panels can acquire a unique look with custom-made or curved frames. The aluminum profiles in Octawall 40 have a depth of 40 mm.


Advanced design, easy installation

The Octawall 40 wall system is very practical and efficient due to its advanced design. With the new corner profile S 382, ​​you will be able to clamp the canvas all the way to the edge of your trade fair setup. The new angular innovation will thus increase the area dedicated to promotional material. In addition, the new W 916 corner connector will also help you perfect your advertising stands. Its housing is open, allowing large canvases to be clamped across multiple Octawall walls.


High-Quality Construction


Flexible Graphics


Easy to assamble


Modular design


Versitile use


Easy transport and optimal Storage

Octanorm Octawall promocijska stijena

Octawall 40

Your Creativity, Our Structure

The Octawall 40 wall system can be used to build standalone promotional walls and exhibition setups with canvas banners with silicone edge graphics, clamped into the profile groove, or with wooden forex panels. The Octawall collection offers you the following systems:

  1. Octawall 40 Fabric System for single-sided or double-sided tensioning of canvas banners.
  2. Octawall 40 Panel System for single-sided or double-sided integration of forex panels.
  3. Octawall 40 Fabric + Panel System for single-sided or double-sided tensioning of canvas and/or panels.
stena bold c
Zidne konstrukcije
Modularni sustavi za inovativna rješenja
led bold
LED konstrukcije
Svjetlo, oblik, učinkovitost – LED konstrukcije koje impresioniraju
strop bold
Stropne konstrukcije
Podigni svoju viziju do neba
tla bold b
Zadržite eleganciju pod nogama
nadstropje bold
Katne konstrukcije
Uzdignite se u drugu dimenziju
sank bold b
Pultevi i šankovi
Impresionirajte svoje kupce pouzdanim temeljem
profili bold b
Beskrajna mogućnost kreativne kreativnosti
led bold
Zasjajte u svjetlu tisuće svjetala
promo bold
Promotivni proizvodi
Ostvarite nove pobjede s inovativnim idejama
napajalnik bold
Napajanja i konektori
Osigurajte neospornu povezanost
potros bold
Potrošni material
Kvaliteta koju ne možete propustiti
sobe bold
Čiste sobe
Ostanite sigurni od klica i prljavštine

Octanorm Adria d.o.o.

Gerbičeva ulica 110, 1000 Ljubljana
Zanima me
Poklicali vas bomo v najkrajšem možnem času.

Octanorm Adria d.o.o.

Imate vprašanje glede naše ponudbe?
Pokličite nas na 041 000 000, ali pa stopite v kontakt z nami preko spodnjega kontaktnega obrazca.
Zanima me
Poklicali vas bomo v najkrajšem možnem času.
stena bold c
Stenske konstrukcije
Modularni sistemi za inovativne rešitve
led bold
LED konstrukcije
Svetloba, oblika, učinkovitost – LED konstrukcije, ki navdušijo
strop bold
Stropne konstrukcije
Dvignite vašo vizijo v nebo
tla bold b
Ohranite eleganco pod vašimi nogami
nadstropje bold
Povzpnite se v drugo dimenzijo
sank bold b
Pulti in šanki
Navdušite svoje stranke z zanesljivo osnovo.
profili bold b
Neskončna možnost kreativne ustvarjalnosti
led bold
Zažarite v soju tisočerih lučk
promo bold
Promocijski izdelki
Dosezite nove zmage z inovativnimi idejami
napajalnik bold
Napajalniki & konektorji
Zagotovite nesporno povezljivost
potros bold
Potrošni material
Kvaliteta, ki je ne morete pogrešiti
sobe bold
Čiste sobe
Ostanite varni pred mikrobi in umazanijo